July 22, 2010

Expression in a cup

Only in the last few years have I started to enjoy the caramel coloured (depending how you like it) drink known as coffee. In my younger years, I had never really been a fan of "bitter" flavours, not until I discovered the effects of caffeine! "To wake myself up" for those early mornings was really the main reason why I started drinking coffee...most of my initial years of coffee drinking experiences were from bad take away establishments that had applied no real art or thought to the making of a great cup of coffee. Over the years I've learnt to appreciate the flavour of the coffee bean and now I drink it out of enjoyment for the flavour and aroma rather than just for that morning "hit" (although it does help!). So, in my various cafe expeditions, I've started taking random photos of various cups of coffee I've had, mostly with from my phone so excuse the quality of the pix - my choice of coffee is usually the cafe latte. I especially appreciate it when the barista has dabbled in some "latte art"...here's a few coffees for starters