July 10, 2011

What's happening?

I'm one of those people who goes through various peaks and troughs of blog activity.
Sometimes I have so much I want to write/ record, but lately I'm so unconsciously busy, that I find it hard to even scrounge up enough awake time to perouse my favourite blogs and websites. For someone who is a self confessed Internet addict, it says a lot when I've started spending less time in front of the lappy and more time in front of the TV. So what's been keeping me in front of the box lately?

 Reality tv shows involving renovations and interior design!
There seems to be a plethora of these types of shows as of late, all revolving around people competing for monetary prizes for coming up with the best selling/ most marketable home, unit, room etc etc

Since etsy is one of my favourite places to spend hours at, here's a couple of modern & vintage items for the home that caught my eye: